Since more than 15 years CRYSMIT OPTICS are well known experts for Optical crystals, Polarizing Optics and Precision Optics. Due to its competence and superior service, CRYSMIT has established a broad base of satisfied customers in the industrial branch as well as in scientific research facilities w...
Since more than 15 years CRYSMIT OPTICS are well known experts for Optical crystals, Polarizing Optics and Precision Optics. Due to its competence and superior service, CRYSMIT has established a broad base of satisfied customers in the industrial branch as well as in scientific research facilities worldwide. CRYSMIT offers laser crystals and non-linear crystals, Optical components and Optical Systems with a broad variety of specifications.
CRYSMIT OPTICS has the most advanced metrology instruments, include ZYGO GPI Interferometers, 3D digital CMM, Optical Centering Instrument, Precision Goniometer, UV Visible Spectrophotometer etc.
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